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5 Important Questions to Ask Before Enrolling with a Personal Trainer

Lisa recently relocated because of a better job opportunity. It’s a new challenge for her but also a great opportunity to enhance her career. She’s busy at work throughout the day, and around 5 pm she usually prepares herself for her resistance training at the gym. But wait, she just relocated and needs to find a new fitness center.


Whether you’re a newbie or a regular, choosing a gym to enroll at is quite tough. You can easily get distracted by the new gym environment and ambiance before you enroll. Sales reps from a gym’s marketing team can also entice you to enroll in an instant. These are the issues that you’ll encounter once you enroll in a new gym. On top of things, it’s important to ask a personal trainer a few questions before you enroll and get his services.

Here are 5 important questions you need to ask before hiring a personal trainer:

1.) Are You Offering a Free Trial Workout?

Personal trainers who reach out to you and offer free trial workouts either want to help you reach your fitness goals or simply want to add you on their long client list. It makes a free trial workout worth your time since you can gauge a personal trainer if he or she is worth your money.  It can take a week or two to determine if the personal trainer’s approach is for you. Just keep in mind that free trial workout is a step forward in attaining your fitness goals.

2.) Will You Provide a Diet Program?

One of the reasons why people hire a personal trainer is to start a weight loss program. Weight loss happens in the kitchen and not in the gym floor. Exercises routines, cardio workouts, and group classes simply help you tone your muscles and improve your physique. So, if ever your personal trainer knows his way around meal planning, then it’s a bonus for you. Not all nutritionists are personal trainers, but there are some personal trainers that have received certification for them to assist you with your diet plan.

3.) What Difference Does It Make if I Hire a Personal Trainer Instead of Joining a Group Class?

This question is a follow-up question to “What fitness goals do I want to achieve?” so it’s a common issue whether you hire a personal trainer to work on your goals or group classes should do it for you. The greatest benefit you’ll receive once you hire a personal trainer? Focus. The personal trainer will concentrate on your fitness needs in different aspects such as nutrition and training. A group class is also a good thing but it’s a mere supplement to your custom-tailored workout from your personal trainer.

4.) Will I Reach My Fitness Goals Without a Personal Trainer?

Buying yourself a gym membership is an investment. If you think you can achieve your fitness goals by yourself at home, you wouldn’t have entertained the idea of joining a gym or even getting a personal trainer. It’s important that you know what are the premium features of your membership such as relevant gym equipment that will complement your goal. If you are looking to do circuit training but there isn’t ample space and yet a personal trainer tells you he can help you, then he’s just tickling your ears to buy a personal training package.

5.) Are You a Certified Personal Trainer?

It’s important to check if your personal trainer has the license and relevant credentials for you to hire him. You don’t need to be formal, a casual approach to ask this question will make way for both of you to get acquainted. It’s always great to know if your personal trainer is a member of the Australian Strength and Conditioning Association, or studied in a school like the ACPE Academy (Australian College of Physical Education).  It also helps to check his previous client’s testimonials as well. With this in mind, you’ll be able to decide after you avail of your free trial workout sessions.

Are you already thinking to hire a personal trainer right now? Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. Chad would be more than glad to talk to you about your fitness goals. Click here to know more.

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3 Fitness Essentials for Women in Their 30s and Above

Most women don’t really contemplate about hitting their mid-30s, let alone their health and fitness goals. Once you do a reality check, growing older is an aspect which we can simply yield and follow. It’s like a current in a fast rushing stream. Before you know it, you’re past your 30s and you’ve already hit the 40-year mark.

Let’s be lenient though, 35 isn’t really considered as middle age. However, you’ll start noticing that your body will not be the same as when you were in your 20s. You’ll put on weight more easily, and not to mention, you don’t feel as energetic as before.

Worry not, there are more ways than not to cling on to your youth. You just need to invest a lot of smart effort to stay physically, emotionally, and mentally fit. Being young and fit is all about looking good and feeling great at the same time, right?


Here are 3 fitness mindset essentials for women 35 and up:

1.) Eat Smart

It’s a fact that as we grow older, our bodies require fewer calories to function properly. Hence, when you continue binge eating the way you did back in your 20s then expect to gain some weight in unwanted places. So, don’t be surprised if suddenly you’ve put on a couple of kilos in a months’ time even if you haven’t customised your diet plan. It’s natural for everyone to notice their body reacting to the aging process. There’s no quick fix for this, the only practical approach would be to consume a diet with more nutrients and minimise eating just for the sake of eating.

2.) Adjust Training Intensity

Your fitness mindset hasn’t changed but your body is slower compared to to when you were in your 20s. It’s a must to do yourself and your body a favour by toning down the intensity of exercise routines. This will enable you to prevent injuries while you still enjoy doing your favourite exercise. Keep in mind that your bone density decreases which can make you more prone to early arthritis. The solution? Invest in strength training routines while minimising high impact activities to build greater bone density.

3.) Prevent Ailments

Keeping yourself healthy and fit is easier said than done. You need to walk the talk and focus on your health in every aspect. Regular exercise routines and a balanced diet will complement your health. However, you also need to have yourself screened regularly for gynecological disorders and breast cancer for prevention. It’s also advisable to give up vices such as drinking and smoking which can increase your stress levels. Remember that prevention and monitoring is always key to avoiding unwanted illnesses.

Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. The Naked Truth Fitness Team have more than 40 years experience personally training clients and would be more than glad to talk to you about your fitness goals. For an obligation free chat, Click here to know more.

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5 Simple Ways to Boost your Metabolism

Nature works in different ways. This goes the same for every person’s body and metabolism. Each of us vary in terms of metabolic rates since we do different types of work, some would be glued to their office chair most of the time and some would be doing more labourous work.

So why do some people easily gain weight and others have a difficult time gaining some?

Metabolism is our body’s own “personal trainer. It’s a process that works naturally to support you in shedding unwanted fat and burning calories. Enzymes in your cells break down food then convert it into energy. This enables your heart to keep on beating, your mind to thinking whenever you’re at work, or even when you engage in a group exercise class.

The idea here is that metabolism is a subjective matter. The faster a person’s metabolism works then the more she can burn those calories. It also means that the more you burn then the easier it is to shed those kilos off.


Here are 5 simple yet effective ways to improve your metabolism:

1.) Start your Day with a Hearty Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The big idea here though is the quality and quantity of your food in the morning. Always keep in mind that a hearty breakfast is better since it will make you full for hours and prevent you hop on starvation mode.

A combination of lean protein coupled with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats is what works best. The old reliable would be hard-boiled eggs and cup of oatmeal. You can also add some berries and a teaspoon of omega-3 fish oil. Remember to consume a quantity that will make you full for the next few hours even before thinking about lunch.

2.) Remember Fiber

It’s a best practice to include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. This will enable your body to flush out toxins more easily. The idea here is that consuming organic fruits and veggies are considered more effective since they are grown without pesticides. These chemicals block your thyroid function. Your thyroid is your body’s personal thermostat and gauges how fast your metabolism runs. Whether it’s organic produce or not, it is a must to have your greens during lunch and some fruits to complement your breakfast.

3.) Strength Training

Did you know that muscle weighs more than fat which means it uses more energy as well? Most women in their 30s and 40s tend to increase their resting metabolism by 100 calories per day through strength training. This can be achieved spending 40 minutes twice a week for 3-4 months. The great thing about training twice weekly? It keeps your thermostat running at an ideal rate even if you don’t visit the gym daily.

4.) Make Calories Work for You

It’s a fact that if you trim those calories in your diet plan, it will deliberately affect your metabolism. The body’s metabolic process will think that times are lean and puts a hold on fat-burning to conserve energy. The solution would be to eat enough calories at least to match your resting metabolic rate. It’s a tricky situation but keep in mind that eating the right food, which give you sufficient calories is key to making those calories work for you.

5.) Protein First

Do you even wonder why your personal trainer promotes a protein-packed diet for you? It’s because your body digests protein more slowly compared to carbohydrates. A high-protein meal also boosts your metabolism. During thermogenesis, your body uses around 10% of its calorie intake for digestion, which means it takes longer to burn protein than fat or carbs. With this in mind, your body tends to expend more energy-absorbing nutrients in a high-protein diet.


Do you want to learn more about creating a diet plan or a exercise routine that will boost your metabolism? Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. The Team at The Naked Truth Fitness would be more than happy to talk to you about your personalised eating plan. Click here to know more.

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5 Benefits of Joining Group Exercise Classes

It’s a norm that when you hit the gym for the first time, you are somewhat unsure on where to start. Some people encounter a difficult time doing an exercise or using a machine, some don’t know the proper form of an exercise, and other would simply spend time on the treadmill while browsing on their phones.

If you’re new to the gym or you just don’t know where to start once you hit the floor, introducing yourself to group exercise classes could be the quick fix for you. While there’s always an option to hire a trainer to teach you or tag a friend along to support each other, joining a group class will be a good start for your fitness goals.


Here are 5 benefits that you will get once you join a group exercise class:

1.) Group Classes Mean Fun

It’s a given that there’s a social factor when you join a group class. It’s one of the most exciting and enjoyable approach to do exercises. Whether it’s a Bootcamp class, High Intensity, Zumba or a group spinning session, you’ll have fun with other gym members who are motivated to reach their fitness goals but want to enjoy their stay at the gym as well. Now let’s turn on some upbeat music!

2.) Exercising with a Group Motivates You More

As we mentioned earlier, group classes should be fun, and a bonus is that you have the opportunity to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who have fitness goals as well. It’s true teamwork at play – an enthusiastic instructor and group class buddies support each other during their routine. Joining a group class will bring the best out of you and complement your gym mates as well.

3.) There’s a Variety of Exercise Classes

Several newbies in the gym tend to lose interest once they feel everything is routine. Joining a group fitness class will suck the boredom out of you in an instant. You can choose classes such as Pilates, HIIT, cardio kickboxing, and Zumba among others. Another advantage of joining a wide array of group classes is that you have the chance to work out several body parts while increasing your metabolism.

4.) An Instructor Guides You as a Group

Being part of a group exercise class allows everyone to learn from an expert instructor how to execute exercises properly. This is important specially for new gym members who want to feel at ease in doing certain routines with fellow newbies. As an instructor coaches you as a group, you can also share a tip or two to other newbies who would join the class soon.

5.) There’s a Standard Structure or Routine

Joining a group class doesn’t ask too much from a beginner. You can hop in and have a great workout without really thinking of a plan. Every class has an instructor that leads the way from warm-up phase, to the actual workout, and a cool-down session. The great thing about having an instructor throughout each group class is that you can ask questions about the advantages of doing such exercises.


TNT Fitness offers a group exercise class called the Ultimate Class. It is packed full of the best exercises to shed kilos and get you in the best shape of your life. Would like to learn more about the Ultimate Class? For more information or to register for women’s only bootcamp click here.

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5 Advantages of Hiring a Personal Trainer

Almost everyone undergoes change, it’s the only constant in life as we know it. The same applies in joining a new gym, which means you have a new set of machines, a set of weights to familiarise yourself with, and most importantly, having a new personal trainer. Hiring a personal trainer always means change is coming, but does this “change” mean more progress in reaching your fitness goals?

Having a personal trainer during your gym sessions is one of the best favours that you can do for yourself. It gives you an edge over other gym members since a personal trainer concentrates on you. It’s always an advantage for anyone to be under the guidance of a personal trainer.


It enables you to determine what exercises work for you and how your body responds to it. Once you hire your personal trainer, this also means that you have access to practical knowledge of fitness and nutrition. How cool is that, right?

Here are 5 advantages of having a personal trainer:

1.) Goal-Oriented Mindset

It’s a must for every person to determine what she or he wants to achieve when she starts her fitness journey. You don’t join a gym or get a personal trainer just for the sake of telling yourself you are moving in the right direction. Keep on mind to hire a personal trainer that cares about your progress rather than just adding you to his long list of clients. This will allow you to know if your personal trainer will steer you in the right direction to achieve your fitness goals.

2.) The “Freemium” Session

Many personal training studios offer free introductory sessions. Some call this a “freemium” session which you can avail in your first visit at a gym or fitness studio. There’s no time to waste once you find a gym that offers a freemium session. It will allow you to get a feel of having a personal trainer during your workout sessions. Forget the pressure of purchasing a personal training package after your first session, what’s important is that you already have an idea what you can get the most out of having a personal trainer.

3.) Proper Nutrition

A good personal trainer doesn’t only teach you the fundamentals inside the gym. Your personal trainer guides you on how to eat right such as eating 6 meals a day. These meals should replace processed simple carbohydrates with complex carbs such as sweet potatoes and whole grains to make you full without feeling bloated. Furthermore, each meal should be loaded with protein to make you feel full and sustain a stable metabolic state. Remember, diet is always an essential ingredient in attaining your fitness goals.

4.) Fitness Fundamentals

It’s a great experience having a personal trainer, specially if your trainer acquired practical knowledge in fitness. It’s a given that you will encounter personal trainers that are certified but carry a “by-the-books” approach to everything that you do in the gym. Experience is always the best teacher and it also applies in any fitness environment.

5.) Consistent Motivation

Before hiring a personal trainer, did you have that motivation already to pursue your fitness goals? It’s only natural to be motivated to work out during your first couple of months, but the key here should be consistency. Working out can easily become a routine but sustaining that motivated mindset is a different story. So, what should you look for in a personal trainer? Once you see that you are highly-motivated while gradually achieving progress then it’s a no-brainer that this personal trainer is just right for you.

Are you already thinking to hire a personal trainer right now? Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. The Naked Truth Fitness Team have more than 40 years experience personally training clients and would be more than glad to talk to you about your fitness goals. For an obligation free chat, Click here to know more.