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5 Simple Ways to Boost your Metabolism

Nature works in different ways. This goes the same for every person’s body and metabolism. Each of us vary in terms of metabolic rates since we do different types of work, some would be glued to their office chair most of the time and some would be doing more labourous work.

So why do some people easily gain weight and others have a difficult time gaining some?

Metabolism is our body’s own “personal trainer. It’s a process that works naturally to support you in shedding unwanted fat and burning calories. Enzymes in your cells break down food then convert it into energy. This enables your heart to keep on beating, your mind to thinking whenever you’re at work, or even when you engage in a group exercise class.

The idea here is that metabolism is a subjective matter. The faster a person’s metabolism works then the more she can burn those calories. It also means that the more you burn then the easier it is to shed those kilos off.


Here are 5 simple yet effective ways to improve your metabolism:

1.) Start your Day with a Hearty Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The big idea here though is the quality and quantity of your food in the morning. Always keep in mind that a hearty breakfast is better since it will make you full for hours and prevent you hop on starvation mode.

A combination of lean protein coupled with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats is what works best. The old reliable would be hard-boiled eggs and cup of oatmeal. You can also add some berries and a teaspoon of omega-3 fish oil. Remember to consume a quantity that will make you full for the next few hours even before thinking about lunch.

2.) Remember Fiber

It’s a best practice to include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. This will enable your body to flush out toxins more easily. The idea here is that consuming organic fruits and veggies are considered more effective since they are grown without pesticides. These chemicals block your thyroid function. Your thyroid is your body’s personal thermostat and gauges how fast your metabolism runs. Whether it’s organic produce or not, it is a must to have your greens during lunch and some fruits to complement your breakfast.

3.) Strength Training

Did you know that muscle weighs more than fat which means it uses more energy as well? Most women in their 30s and 40s tend to increase their resting metabolism by 100 calories per day through strength training. This can be achieved spending 40 minutes twice a week for 3-4 months. The great thing about training twice weekly? It keeps your thermostat running at an ideal rate even if you don’t visit the gym daily.

4.) Make Calories Work for You

It’s a fact that if you trim those calories in your diet plan, it will deliberately affect your metabolism. The body’s metabolic process will think that times are lean and puts a hold on fat-burning to conserve energy. The solution would be to eat enough calories at least to match your resting metabolic rate. It’s a tricky situation but keep in mind that eating the right food, which give you sufficient calories is key to making those calories work for you.

5.) Protein First

Do you even wonder why your personal trainer promotes a protein-packed diet for you? It’s because your body digests protein more slowly compared to carbohydrates. A high-protein meal also boosts your metabolism. During thermogenesis, your body uses around 10% of its calorie intake for digestion, which means it takes longer to burn protein than fat or carbs. With this in mind, your body tends to expend more energy-absorbing nutrients in a high-protein diet.


Do you want to learn more about creating a diet plan or a exercise routine that will boost your metabolism? Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. The Team at The Naked Truth Fitness would be more than happy to talk to you about your personalised eating plan. Click here to know more.